Orthographics (2012)
mixed media, custom software
Single words are displayed on a pair of monitors. More or less imperceptibly, one or other of the words changes. Less frequently an entirely new word appears. Derivation of the word pairs was computationally assisted, and changes are triggered by quasi-random processes, however, the word pairings are curated. The piece is a minimalist engagement with experiences of reading, playing at the limits of 'subliteral' orthography and with how we understand this aspect of writing.
A version of the piece for the web, built with Processing.js and Daniel C. Howe's RiTa.js can be found here.
Orthographics was installed in the RISD, Sol Koffler Gallery as part of
pixilerations [v.9], Providence, RI, Oct 11-21, 2012
Photography by Liat Berdugo