Dynamic • Ambient • Transactive • Time‑based
These works are organized into sections corresponding with those in Image Generation, the book.
Click the title or thumbnail to give full attention to each piece. The web-based work will open in a new tab or window. Unless otherwise indicated, after doing so, please: View > Full Screen.
[Two] Snapshots
A prose poetic essay in explicitly paragrammatic language art. The text underlying this fundamentally dynamic, time-based work is an original composition on the interior oceanscape of breath that we experienced during the pandemic year of 2020, our respiratory rhythms threatened, invisibly, by disease. The
code notebook has further details. A correspondent article first appeared in
SubStance, #160 Volume 52, Issue 1, June, 2023, pages 97-99, copyright © 2023 Johns Hopkins University Press and Substance, Inc.
‘l’Image’ in How It Is
A translingual paragrammic reading of and writing with Samuel Beckett’s “l’Image,” a constituent of his last novel. The novel, Comment c'est, was composed in French and translated by Beckett himself. ‘Grams’ from 22 paragraphs of the French are found within the words of How It Is, from the whole of the translated novel. Hover over a paragraph and the French is highlighted. Adjacent English words contain and ‘define’ the French grams. Between these definitive collocations, the artist adds Beckettian phraseology to render the resultant constrained narrative more hospitable, more ‘how it is.’