rr02 posted 8 January 2004
…continuing on in media res with the theme of materiality in digital media scholarship…
I am including below a paragraph from my review of Katherine Hayles’s Writing Machines (forthcoming in Modern Fiction Studies), not for purposes of reproduction in our dialogue, but to pose another question: how might we continue to contribute to the project to articulate a new semiotics for the digital text that would also account for materiality? What is lacking, in your view, in the current critical discourse? More important, how would your conception of materiality differ from Hayles's?
“A central term in the book is materiality, by which Hayles
means not simply physical properties, but also the interaction between those
properties and the signifying elements of the text. For a work such as Memmott’s,
or for Adriana
de Souza e Silva and Fabian Winkler’s database project
(another of Hayles’s examples), “materiality” would suggest
the actions of the computer and the feedback loops between writer/programmer,
reader/user, apparatus, and work. Theories of complexity and emergence constitute
part of the frame of reference for Hayles on this point, but the concept also
builds upon Espen Aarseth’s articulation of ergodic literature, texts
that require significant bodily labor from the reader in order to bring them
into being. In this respect, Writing Machines retroactively establishes
a genealogy for electronic literature that begins with hypertext (Michael Joyce,
the Eastgate library, and M.D. Coverley’s
moves to cybertext (Aarseth), and culminates in the “technotext,”
Hayles’s term for literary works that self-reflexively engage with their
own inscription technologies and integrate semiotic elements such as kineticism
and navigational structures. The use of the autobiographical persona Kaye is
intriguing on this score: Hayles performs herself as a remediated narrator,
not only in that her consciousness is imbricated with the media that represents
her, but also in that her development as a scholar and moments of illumination
are inextricably linked to the development of a critical practice of digital
textuality. Hayles is thus central to the movement among digital scholars to
instantiate the materiality of new media writing over and against the charge
that it is ephemeral and limited to the dimensions of the interface. In addition,
Writing Machines is partly situated as a corrective to what Hayles
sees as literary studies’ failure to account for technologies of inscription,
its general tendency to treat language and content as if they were separable
from their technological substrate. To push further in the direction of a new
semiotics for literary artifacts, I might note that Erik
Loyer's WebTake for the book notably includes sound (in the form of a ‘talking
book’), a signifying element not addressed in Hayles’s account of
the material properties that comprise a textual object, but one that a media-specific
analysis will certainly have to come to engage.”